Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Publication Day at last!

Finally, it is April 4th and Silent Saturday's official UK publication date! I'm thrilled to see the book now available for order online (not just pre-order) and am looking forward to seeing it in real live bookshops too.
I'm not going to be doing anything particularly wild today (though perhaps considering the subject matter, I should be drinking illicit champagne in a deserted mansion to celebrate). I did most of my celebrating at the weekend in Belgium. In fact today feels rather like the civil ceremony day after a huge church wedding at the weekend! I'm definitely back in my everyday clothes. My two children have school holidays at the moment and we have a third child over from our former home town of Bad Münstereifel in Germany, so I shan't even get much work done - I shall be taking them all for a long country walk instead. This evening, however, I shall allow myself a small glass of Peterman bessenjenever!
Publication day means that Silent Saturday can now be reviewed on Amazon, etc. so if you read the book and enjoy it, a short review is always very welcome. If you read it and absolutely hate it, well, er...


  1. Well done! May your publisher's sales graph go up like a rocket. (An ancient Persian writer's blessing.)

    1. Thank you! And may your eyes never tire of reading! x
